Php Mysqli Extension Is Missing Windows Driver

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  1. Mysqli Extension For Php
  2. Mysqli Extension Download
  3. Mysql Php Extension Missing
  4. Enable Mysqli Extension
Active18 days ago

Please check your PHP configuration.” The story so far: I decided to update MySQL on the server. After reading a handful of tutorials, I got it updated, running, and working properly. I installed Apache, PHP 5.6 and MySQL 5.7 on a Windows server. In php.ini, I enabled the following: extension=php_mysql.dll extension=php_mysqli.dll extension=php_oci8_12c.dll extension=php_pdo_m. Please check your PHP configuration. Cannot load mysql extension in Windows. PHP 5.0, MySQL 5.1. Could not find a suitable database driver!

I have installed PHP 7, MySQL 5.5.47 on Ubuntu 14.04.I have checked installed extension using :

Its output me:

I am not able to see MySQLi extension using phpinfo() as well,please let me know,how can I enable/install MySQLi extension in PHP 7.That's why I cannot use phpmyadmin, its says 'The mysqli extension is missing.' Hp elitebook 8560w drivers windows 10.

Note: I am new in php7.

Mohd SayeedMohd Sayeed
9011 gold badge8 silver badges22 bronze badges

6 Answers

The problem is that the package that used to connect PHP to MYSQL is depricated (php5-mysql). If you install the new package:

This will automatically update apache and php7.


1,1903 gold badges9 silver badges7 bronze badges

I got the solution,I am able to enable MySQLi extension in php.ini, just uncommented this line in php.ini

Now MySQLi working well.Here is php.ini file path in apache2,PHP 7, Ubuntu 14.04 environment:

By Default MySQLi extension is disable in PHP 7.

Mohd SayeedMohd Sayeed
9011 gold badge8 silver badges22 bronze badges
  • phpenmod moduleName enables a module to php7 (restart apache after that sudo service apache2 restart)
  • phpdismod moduleName disables a module to php7 (restart apache after that sudo service apache2 restart)
  • php -m lists the loaded modules

Mysqli Extension For Php


In ubuntu need to uncommented this line in php.ini which is located at /etc/php/7.0/apache2/php.ini

Atul PandyaAtul Pandya

On ubuntu,

When mysqli is missingexecute the following,

replace 7.x with your PHP version.

note: This could be 7.0 and up, but for example Drupal recommends 'php7.2' on grounds of security a.o.

To check your php version, on the command-line type:

You do exactly the same if you are missing mbstring

I recently had to do this for PHPmyadmin when upgrading php from 7.0 to 7.2on Ubuntu 16.04 .

Marco SchoolenbergMarco Schoolenberg

Let's use


Mysqli Extension Download

instead of


because mysql_connect isn't supported in php7.

Tiago Martins Peres
2,5097 gold badges21 silver badges40 bronze badges

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Active3 years, 9 months ago

I installed Apache, PHP 5.6 and MySQL 5.7 on a Windows server.

In php.ini, I enabled the following:

Mysql Php Extension Missing

(And restarted Apache)

Enable Mysqli Extension

But when I try to use PDO in my php page, it still throws the error:

What do I have to do to get PDO installed?

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Don Rhummy
Don RhummyDon Rhummy
11.4k23 gold badges97 silver badges195 bronze badges

2 Answers

The problem was the extension_dir directive did not work as a relative path. Changing from extension_dir='ext' to extension_dir='c:/phpinstall_path/ext' fixed the problem.

Don RhummyDon Rhummy
11.4k23 gold badges97 silver badges195 bronze badges

In my apache httpd.conf I have (note I have # as remmed out because it took me 1 hour at least). So I left it to show me how not to do it.

In the above folder (and seen below) I have these files:

And in that same folder, in the php.ini file I have the following block that are pdo-related, with the ones in force not remmed out with a ;


then I have a phpinfo_xyz.phpfile for testing purposes only (read: delete it when you are done) that contains

Restart apache, point to that file from a browser and notice the following blocks similar to the following three.



In the first PHP picture above from phpinfo(), it was the getting the path right in httpd.conf that took the longest. That is why I left in the wrong path attempts seen in this Answer.

So it wasn't until Loaded Configuration File showed up decent that it had a chance.

Good luck. It was not fun. Half the problem was there were like 2 or 4 options of which original download to perform. Sadly I think it took me 2 or 3 hours all together. But I am not as smart as the rest of you.

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