Simple Ajax Program In Php

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Active9 months ago
  1. Ajax Post Php
  2. Simple Ajax Application In Php
  3. Simple Ajax Examples In Php
  4. Simple Ajax Program In Php
  5. Php Vs Ajax
  6. Ajax Php Tutorial

We have a large PHP system that I am changing to OOP and want to use AJAX to update the web pages for logged in users. I am completely self taught and good on HTML, CSS and PHP with a basic Javascript understanding.

AJAX is a developer's dream, because you can: Update a web page without reloading the page Request data from a server - after the page has loaded Receive data from a server - after the page has loaded Send data to a server - in the background. Below is a very simple Ajax example that calls a CGI script that prints out the word sent to the CGI script and the remote user's IP address. Simple Ajax Demo word. Working with Ajax, PHP and MySQL. We have a simple user interface created with HTML and CSS where the user can supply data in the input field. Ajax Java Example. To create ajax example, you need to use any server-side language e.g. Servlet, JSP, PHP, ASP.Net etc. Here we are using JSP for generating the server-side code.

Trying to learn AJAX with PHP is defeating me. After trying a self made set of scripts to test AJAX which wouldn't work I then went to the Internet for examples and can't get any to work. This is on my development Mac running MAMP and using my host where we keep the current system.

My question is, does anybody have a simple 'hello world' set of HTML and PHP scripts that they know work which I could try to confirm that I can run something known.

Many ThanksColin

Colin MartinColin Martin

5 Answers

If you are going to use AJAX I would recommend using jQuery as well. This greatly simplifies the process, is tested cross-browser and has many easy to use wrapper functions.

Its really as easy as creating a PHP page called hello.php

Simple ajax program in php

Then in your main page you will need to grab the jQuery library and hook it up to the document ready event.

This in essence is the simplest AJAX hello world tutorial I know :)

2,0671 gold badge21 silver badges36 bronze badges

No not really, but I would recommend that you use jQuery if you're going to be doing any ajax at all. It will make your life so much easier.

Especially since all the browsers don't implement the ajax stuff the same way.

I'm going to assume that you already have some base html document, I'm just going to include the important bits.

Ajax Post Php

receiver.php: Panasonic printer support drivers.


That should be all you need for a basic ajax application..

3,8821 gold badge17 silver badges35 bronze badges
arnorhsAjax url phparnorhs
9,6392 gold badges30 silver badges38 bronze badges

I would suggest using jQuery'sAJAX methods, which are cross-browser and easy to use.

Alan Haggai AlaviAlan Haggai Alavi
61k14 gold badges90 silver badges121 bronze badges

Here's a basic example that uses jQuery, posting values from a form to a separate PHP file validates and returns results.



Suraj Rao
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mukesh kumarmukesh kumar

Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged phpajax or ask your own question.

What is Ajax?

AJAX is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript & XML.

It is a technology that reduces the interactions between the server and client.

It does this by updating only part of a web page rather than the whole page.

The asynchronous interactions are initiated by JavaScript.

JavaScript is a client side scripting language. It is executed on the client side by the web browsers that support JavaScript.JavaScript code only works in browsers that have JavaScript enabled.

XML is the acronym for Extensible Markup Language. It is used to encode messages in both human and machine readable formats. It’s like HTML but allows you to create your custom tags. For more details on XML, see the article on XML

Why use AJAX?

  • It allows developing rich interactive web applications just like desktop applications.
  • Validation can be performed done as the user fills in a form without submitting it. This can be achieved using auto completion. The words that the user types in are submitted to the server for processing. The server responds with keywords that match what the user entered.
  • It can be used to populate a dropdown box depending on the value of another dropdown box
  • Data can be retrieved from the server and only a certain part of a page updated without loading the whole page. This is very useful for web page parts that load things like
    • Tweets
    • Commens
    • Users visiting the site etc.

Simple Ajax Application In Php

How to Create an PHP Ajax application

We will create a simple application that allows users to search for popular PHP MVC frameworks.

Our application will have a text box that users will type in the names of the framework.

We will then use mvc AJAX to search for a match then display the framework’s complete name just below the search form.

Step 1) Creating the index page



  • “onkeyup='showName(this.value)'” executes the JavaScript function showName everytime a key is typed in the textbox.

    This feature is called auto complete

Step 2) Creating the frameworks page


Step 3) Creating the JS script



  • “if (str.length 0)” check the length of the string. If it is 0, then the rest of the script is not executed.

  • “if (window.XMLHttpRequest)…” Internet Explorer versions 5 and 6 use ActiveXObject for AJAX implementation. Other versions and browsers such as Chrome, FireFox use XMLHttpRequest. This code will ensure that our application works in both IE 5 & 6 and other high versions of IE and browsers.

  • “xmlhttp.onreadystatechange=function…” checks if the AJAX interaction is complete and the status is 200 then updates the txtName span with the returned results.

Simple Ajax Examples In Php

Step 4) Testing our PHP Ajax application

Simple Ajax Program In Php

Assuming you have saved the file index.php In phututs/ajax, browse to the URL http://localhost/phptuts/ajax/index.php

Type the letter C in the text box You will get the following results.

Php Vs Ajax

The above example demonstrates the concept of AJAX and how it can help us create rich interaction applications.


Ajax Php Tutorial

  • AJAX is the acronym for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML
  • AJAX is a technology used to create rich interaction applications that reduce the interactions between the client and the server by updating only parts of the web page.
  • Internet Explorer version 5 and 6 use ActiveXObject to implement AJAX operations.
  • Internet explorer version 7 and above and browsers Chrome, Firefox, Opera, and Safari use XMLHttpRequest.